Default constructor, creates an empty convertor
Adds a conversion rule to convertor
Checks if unit conversion from in unit to out unit is possible
Clears unit convertor removing all unit conversion rules
Removes all alias rules
Gets a list of units with a possible connection to/from a given unit
Converts from in unit to out unit
Converts a given value from in unit to out unit
Method provides access to a list of families of units in this convertor
Gets a family for a given unit
Loads unit aliases from json serialized object
Deserializes unit conversion rules from JSON
Serializes current unit conversion rules to JSON
Gets unit name by alias using internal alias dictionary
Method provides access to a list of units in this convertor within a given family, effectively providing a list of unit with a possible conversion from any unit of this list to any other
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
Undocumented in source.
The UnitConvertor class provides tool for converting units stored in a string form. It uses "base" unit for each "family" (length, speed etc) and perform conversions inside a family through conversion to and from base unit.